關於Dr. Sam
吳桂生博士 DR. SAM NG
臨床心理學家 及 臨床腦神經心理學專家
Dr. Sam 的信念
吳桂生博士 (Dr. Sam) 是一位擁有深厚醫科背景的資深臨床心理學家及臨床腦神經心理學專家。吳博士早年畢業於香港大學牙科醫學院,在擔任牙科醫生期間,他與不少病人建立了深厚的互信關係,亦令他深深感受到身體和心理之間的關係,因此對臨床心理學的理論、研究和實踐產生濃厚興趣,遂於香港大學完成臨床心理學碩士課程,成為執業臨床心理學家。其後展開有關心理及身心疾病之原創性研究,取得突破性結果,在國際學術會議及期刊發表研究報告,同時獲得香港大學博士學位。
Dr. Sam擁有十多年於政府醫院擔任心理學家的臨床和管理經驗,擅於融合傳統理論及不同流派的現代心理學,以至不同的宗教和哲學思想,改變心理狀態及思維模式,協助身體或心理病患者走出困境;另外,其深厚的醫學知識,特別有利於處理病人的身心症狀,以及療程中的身體變化和情緒反應,深得病人喜愛和信任。
Ph.D. (HKU) (Psychosomatic Study)
M.Soc.Sci (HKU) (Clinical Psychology)
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (HKU)
Member of American Psychological Association
Hon. Associate Prof., Dentistry (HKU)
Adjunct Prof., Surgery (CUHK)
"Dr.Sam is able to explain difficult medical knowledge to patients in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, and is committed to promoting the concept of brain health to everyone."
Dentist Dr. Leung Siu Fai
“Sam is a brilliant scholar and a smart clinician. He is critical in research study, very supportive in coaching his doctorate students and always highly appreciated by his patients.”
Prof. Leung Wai KeungThe University Of Hong Kong
"I am very impressed by his courage to introduce the latest neurotechnology from all over the world into Hong Kong, bringing new ideas to patients with mood disorders and brain disorders."
Dr. Chan Wing Kay, RickRadiology Specialist
"Dr. Sam is professional and serious, emphasizing evidence-based treatment concepts, caring for the physical and mental needs of patients, and winning the love and trust of patients."
Dr. Ng Tin Chue Helmut